Barry C. Sanders

Photo of Barry C. Sanders

Barry C. Sanders holds a BSc from the University of Calgary, Canada, a PhD from the University of London, and two diplomas and a DSc from Imperial College London. His research is focused on quantum science. He is scientific director of Calgary’s Quantum City, a mentor with the Creative Destruction Labs in Toronto and Calgary, board chair of Deep Tech Canada, and advisor for CERN’s Open Quantum Institute and the Google XPRIZE in quantum computing. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society, the United Kingdom Institute of Physics, Optica, and the Royal Society of Canada.


Quantum Leap for Quantum Primacy

Two experimental quantum computers tackle the most complex problems yet, suggesting an end to the debate on whether quantum “primacy”—the point at which a quantum computer outperforms the best possible classical computer—can be reached. Read More »


Superconducting Quantum Computing Beyond 100 Qubits

A new high-performance quantum processor boasts 105 superconducting qubits and rivals Google’s acclaimed Willow processor. Read More »